
Posts tagged with cinnamon

  1. Healthi(er) Apple Cinnamon Muffins

    2015-09-16 09:53:00 UTC

    Fall has officially made its way to London. We have pulled out the jackets and the sweatshirts. The past week has been gloomy and rainy. Mother Nature wasted no time in bringing autumn to our door There is something about fall weather that makes me want to bake. The other…

  2. Sweet Potato Muffins with Cinnamon Topping

    2014-10-24 13:16:50 UTC

    We are now completely settled in our new flat in London. The move this year was 100 times better than last year. Can I tell you how nice it is to have two bedrooms this year and to not be sleeping in our reception room, building a bed out of…

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