
Posts tagged with food-blog

  1. Healthi(er) Apple Cinnamon Muffins

    2015-09-16 09:53:00 UTC

    Fall has officially made its way to London. We have pulled out the jackets and the sweatshirts. The past week has been gloomy and rainy. Mother Nature wasted no time in bringing autumn to our door There is something about fall weather that makes me want to bake. The other…

  2. Cinco de Mayo: veggie enchiladas and tres leches cake

    2015-05-05 19:40:00 UTC

    Trent is in the final stretch of getting his MFA. He’ll be finished mid June and I can’t believe how quickly it is approaching. In many ways these two years have gone by so quickly, but at the same time have dragged slowly on. He just had a month break…

  3. My Go To Meals: Persian Lamb Couscous

    2015-05-01 14:32:00 UTC

    Sorry that I have been MIA as of late. I have been so busy working on things with Lewie Prints. It’s been going well. We have lots of new prints. You should check it out. To keep up on everything follow our instagram and our Facebook page. I talk a…

  4. My Go To Meals: Garlic Sesame Soba Noodles

    2015-03-06 15:02:00 UTC

    Some days I feel like I’m sleep walking through life. I’ve gone past the point of tired, to where I’m nearly numb to it. G must has something wrong with him. I’ve read up on what you’re “supposed” to do to help your baby or toddler sleep, and we have…

  5. #throwbackthursday: Trent’s banana bread

    2015-03-05 11:54:00 UTC

    Trent made his banana bread this past week, so it feels like the perfect time for a #tbt. He took half a loaf to school with him the other day. Someone told him that it is the best banana bread they’ve ever had. Yep I don’t make banana bread. One…

  6. London: Where to Eat

    2015-03-04 15:36:00 UTC

    Last year I did a job for a company photographing a few restaurants around London. I’m finally able to share them. Some of these restaurants I was able to eat the food that I photographed, and some I wasn’t. But I’ll share the bit that I do know about these…

  7. #throwbackthursday with the BEST sugar cookies

    2015-02-05 22:15:37 UTC

    #tbt to this Valentine blog post from last year Do you remember days coming home from school and your mom had made cookies? The smell filled the whole house and it could turn any bad day around. You always remember your mom’s cookies. Your mom’s version was always the best……

  8. #throwbackthursday with Orange Tart

    2015-01-22 15:05:02 UTC

    A few months ago I moved my blog from wordpress to here. I love having everything together. It feels more cohesive. But I’ve left behind some great posts. So on Thursdays, I’ll do a little flashback bringing over some of the more favourite blog posts. You may have seen these…

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