Posts tagged with foodblog
Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread
2015-02-27 14:24:00 UTCV
Today we went exploring in some nearby woods. I’m constantly amazed at how long this little toddler of mine can walk. I’m certain if we were still in Utah, he wouldn’t have the resistance built up to walk nearly as far as he does. He definitely has London legs.…
My Favourite Blueberry Muffin Recipe
2015-02-13 11:47:00 UTCWe are anxiously awaiting spring. In my humble opinion, it could not get here soon enough. I don’t remember it being this cold last year. I remember still going on long walks and spending hours at the park last winter. This year we have not been so lucky. On the…
Lemon Chicken Rice Soup
2015-01-16 12:53:22 UTCAs I’m writing this blog post it’s currently 4:30 pm and there is still some light outside! It feels so good to have the days starting to get longer. Does anyone else experience the winter blues Trent has started applying for jobs recently. The thought that this adventure of ours…
Roasted Root Vegetable Soup
2015-01-09 21:47:20 UTCSorry that I’ve been absent the last few weeks. I’ve been working tirelessly on a few projects, one of which I can’t wait to share with you, but as for now it’s still under wraps. Hopefully I’ll be able to complete it and get it up and running within the…